Mikrocodesimulator MikroSim 2010
... the ultimate CPU-Simulation Program |
A Software Product of |
Product DescriptionThe Mikrocodesimulator is a Windows compatible application, on which microprocessor functionality can be simulated didactially. The user is able to investigate on various levels of abstraction how microcodes are understood as coded switch settings, how these codes are controlled executed in tacts, how microcodes are grouped in sequence to a microcode program placed in a ROM, and finally how a structured microcode program can interpret machine codes programmed in an external RAM for execution. In this manner, the operation range of single opating devices like ALU and memory composed to a programmable and versitile computer is perceptible and realizable. Whereas ALU, memory operation and the interaction are predefined, interaction control can be set as microcode commands in the ROM. By this, the user can design and implement his own designed machine codes into the ROM as OpCodes and is able to verify them step by step in single phases, tacts, and cycles. The utilisation of the application is remarkable intuitive. On the screen, the user enables the virtual devices belonging to the level of simulation. The content of the device interfaces can be modified by various editors easily in different numerative systems. In the newest revision of the mikrcodesimulator, MikroSim 2010, the CPU application is strongly extended and improved. So, the simulator is the first application which is didactically leading to the nature of floating point caculation with single precision according to IEEE 754. Beyond this, the virtual CPU is connected with virtual peripherial hardware devices for input and output control via DMA bus, Inter-IC bus, and Interrupt control, which gives the virtual application a more application relevant relation to real application board hardware. By means of an integrated benchmark tool the user can determine the performance capability of the simulation tool and the effectivity of executed microcodes. Performance indices of the useres computer hardware measured in MIPS and FLOPS can be set in direct relation to the simulation speed measured in clock, micorocode, or OpCode excetution rate and to ALU calculation power for integer and floating point calculation. |
The Mikrocodesimulator MikroSim is supported by the addon software MikroBAT. This software is a Basic-Assembler-Tool for MikroSim to create RAM contents in external program files used in simulation by MikroSim, written in assembler code which is using MikroSim's self-defined opcode set. |
The application is of advantage for
using the tool in at least one of the technical fields like
being engaged and involved in topics like
within lecture, lesson, study, education, study, or self-study. |
Basically no special background knowledge is necessary. The functionality can by understood on Register Transfer Level (RTL). Of course, advantageously to get more quickly into deep knowledge are cross referencing experiences gained in the field of logical and digital circuitry design of devices like register, clock devices, arithmetic logical units, memory storage devices, etc. which can be discribed by Boolean algebra. |
The Mikrocodesimulator has been presented on numerous exhibitions and software competitions. Here an overview in brief:
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November 1994, Heidelberg: European Academic Software Award EASAThe Mikrocodesimulator has been awarded at the European Academic Software Award in the category computer science on 28th November 1994. The "European Academic Software Award (EASA)" has been organized by the "Akademischen Software Kooperation (ASK)", Karlsruhe, and has been announced in 1994 Europe wide for the first time. The award is a continuation of "Deutsch-Österreichischen Hochschulsoftwarepreis". In continuous intervalls the European Academic Software Award is announced each two years. Here, you can review the picture taken at the Winner's Ceremony. |
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March 1995, Hannover: Computer Exhibition CeBit'95The application has been presented 8.-15. März 1995 on the Computer Exhibition CeBIT 95 at the booth of the Hessischen Hochschulen to the public the first time. The flyer distributed at this time can be reviewed here as PDF-File or Web-Site (in German only). |
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October 1996, Bonn: European Year of Long Live LearningAt 16.10.1996, the simulator has been presented in the scope of "European Year of Long Live Learning" and awarded by the European Union with 1000 ECU. |
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January 1997, Karlsruhe: Software Exhibition LearnTecThe simulator has been presented and awarded 27.1.-30.1.1997 at the LearnTec 1997 in Karlsruhe during the Multimedia Transfer '97. |
Since almost 20 years, the Mikrocodesimulator is integral part of the lecture of the Philipps-University Marburg. The successful application of this tool is based on following aspects:
Conclusion: In its appearence, the Mikrocodesimulator MikroSim is unique. At this point it should be valuable to mention, that there are existing several software solutions, distributed as shareware or freeware, that are emerged from private interest or group work. Also useful hardware tools are available e.g. as microcontroller application boards and training platforms. But no solution is covering the scope of simulation such general, universal, and in a wide manner like MikroSim does. |
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"Einführung in die Informatik" |
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In chapter 5, within 100 pages a introduction into computer architecture is given. In the third subchapter "Von den Schaltgliedern zur CPU" on 15 pages the microcoding concept is discussed in detail and is building a bridge between "Boolean Algebra" and
"Assembler Programming". |
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Due to the huge reputation, the standard text book has been reissued with improvements alredy more than 8 times (Oldenbourg Verlag, ISBN 978-3-486-58724-1, 2009) . The ninth release has just been issued recently. |
As already mentioned, over more than 15 years the Mikrocodesimulator is integral part of the lecture of
the Philipps-Universität Marburg / Lahn.
Moreover, the simulator is licenced to a number of universities and eductional institutions:
The Mikrocodesimulator MikroSim 2010 is free of costs available, either by ordering a demo version by mail or direct download. The program is usable to get to know its keyfeatures etc already in this demoversion. It is allowed to copy and redistribute this version in its setup package. Anybody who likes to use the software as full featured version is able to activate and self-registrate the simulator once for a 10 days trial period for full testablity. After the test period has expired the simulator can only be used on the installed system by ordering a single user licence or using a multi-user licence. Usability of the software as demoversion is still possible. The software can be updated independed of the licence status. Further more, it is possible to aquire a multi-user licence for checking the practability of MikroSim for educational use at low costs. The buyer of the licence determines the number of licences and the test period. He is provided with the required product licence files (PLFs) for MikroSim and MikroBAT. The licence fee is taken into account when ordering a full product licence. |
The simulator is availble as single-user licence or multi-user licence version.
Version Type |
MikroSim |
MikroBAT |
MikroSim and MikroBAT |
Demo Version |
no Licence Fee |
no Licence Fee |
no Licence Fee |
Multi-User Licence as Test Version |
__ |
__ |
50 Cents |
Single-User Licence |
49.95 EUR / Licence |
24.95 EUR / Licence |
69.95 EUR / Licence |
Multi-User Licence |
59.95 EUR / Licence incl. PLF-Generator
29.95 EUR / Licence incl. PLF-Generator
79.95 EUR / Licence incl. PLF-Generator
Distributable Single-User Licence |
69.95 EUR / Licence incl. USB-Stick/Licence |
44.95 EUR / Licence incl. USB-Stick/Licence |
89.95 EUR / Licence incl. USB-Stick/Licence |
The product Mikrocodesimulator MikroSim 2010 At there, you can address an request free of charge postal delivery of a demo version on CD-ROM. Alternativly, you can request a postal delivery of a CD-ROM via e-Mail, or you use the possibility to download the software immeditatly in the below download area.
Download Area for Getting the latest Demo Version: |
Mikrocodesimulator MikroSim 2010 |
for OS: |
Code-Generator MikroBAT 2010 File Size: 19.8 MByte, Rev.: 1.0.6, Date: 20.06.2012 |
for OS: |
Mikrocodesimulator MikroSim 2010 |
for OS: |
Advices for setting up, hints for usage, and installation problems solvings can be found in "Getting Started". |
Some informative documents are available below:
In case you need still further information or you have some unanswered questions do not hesitate to send an e-mail to info@mikrocodesimulator.de
Responsibility of the Site Content according to §5 TMG: Last Web-Page update on 24. May 2020 by webmaster@mikrocodesimulator.de